Setia Sky 88 Construction Progressing Quickly

Since my last post on the construction on Setia Sky 88 things have picked up quite a bit of speed.

Setia Sky 88 construction progress
After not going above ground level in a year, they have over 6 levels built.

close up of Setia Sky 88 construction

Close up of construction; it seems like they may have completed the car park levels and are starting on other levels?

overturned truck at Setia Sky 88

A truck had tipped over. Just before this photo the crowd of construction workers tried to tip it back over they didn’t even make it budge. They seemed to be laughing at how futile it was to do without a crane (or something else).

Related: Construction Progress for Setia Sky 88 and Twin Galaxy (Feb 2013)Setia Sky 88 condo informationSetia Sky Executive Suites @ Bukit Indah, 2,300 to 4,500+ RM a Month

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